Saturday, June 4, 2011

Moitie's Silent Moon

Mood: awesome
Music: Miyavi - Itoshii Hito

Hello guys,

I will start right away with the most awesome news!
Moi-meme-Moitié, released it's newest print for summer 2011 and it is just awesomely stunning!!
It's called "Silent Moon" and even the name is just beautiful, but have a look by yourself:

Did I promised too much?
I just fell in love with it from the very first sight. It's  simple and very classy design.
Look at all the awesome romantic and gothic churches, the moon that is shining on these in such a silent night. Really, I love this so much. I don't say this often, even I like Moitiès designs most, but this one I need to have. Just one day!

The print comes at all in holy eight different colourways!
Never seen  print in so much different ways before.

Now let us have a look on the items, that are made of Silent Moons fabric:

Silent Moon Onepiece
Price: short version 35.700 Yen/ ca. 333€
long version  36.750 Yen/ ca. 342€
blackxwhite, blackxsilver, blackxblue, blackxgold
whitexblack, whitexsilver, whitexblue, whitexgold
whitexblack, whitexblue, blackxsilver, blackxwhite, blackxblue, blackxgold
are already sold out or just some last pieces in only one version left!

Pretty nice is the fact, that the Onepiece is fully shirred on the body and top.
So also more busty women and girls, who does not fit into Moitiés (for us europeans really small) standart sizes, can easily fit in this one!

Silent Moon Jumperskirt
Price: 31.290 Yen/ ca. 292€
blackxwhite, blackxsilver, blackxblue, blackxgold, whitexblack
blackxsilver, blackxnavy & whitexblack are already sold out!

Silent Moon Skirt
Price: 25.200 Yen/ ca. 235€
blackxwhite, blackxsilver, blackxblue
Just a view pieces left in blackxwhite!

As you can see on my more often used red marked text, this print has been sold out nearly in every colourway and item just by reservation. So if you got one of this pieces, you really are a lucky one ;)

In my opinion, this print and dress is one of the most beutifull pieces Moitiè ever made.
And if I would have the money, I would have ordered it for sure.
So I envy  little bit the girls, who made it to get it.
But I am used to save my money and to 'hunt' after my most favourite pieces.
And maybe oneday I will be a lucky girl with that treasure in my wardrobe, too :)

Thank you and until next time!